Good proposal, Alex! Do you know if other VM use register-based fast calling
convention and what gain we can get from it? Can we see that
using micro-benchmarks?


On 11/16/06, Slava Shakin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


It's great you're going to do that. I like the proposal.

>     - make it possible to switch between existing and new conventions
> for investigation and tuning purposes

I think such configurability is a very important feature as we lose
but acquire both more opportunities for tuning and some performance win
with the current optimization set. IMO it is important to expose as many
options for tuning as possible because even if the proposal doesn't
immediately bring considerable boost we might well expect more from
with future optimizations and non-default options of existing ones.

Slava Shakin.

"Alex Astapchuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> Among other things listed on the JIT Dev tasks, there is a need for
> calling convention (CC) fix-up for IA-32 [1].
> Current problems are:
> 1. The calling convention(s) used are stack-based - this adds a memory
> access overhead on calls.
> 2. The convention currently used for managed code neither allow to pass
> float-point values on XMM registers, nor it provides callee-saved XMM
> registers.
> 3. FPU stack is used to return float/double values
> Both 2) and 3) affect register allocation for float point values in a
> bad manner.
> Fixing even the 1) looks promising for hot vm helpers like monitor
> enter/exit and resolve_interface_vtable.
> So, I'm going to implement register-based calling convention for IA-32.
> The current proposal is:
>     - make it possible to switch between existing and new conventions
> for investigation and tuning purposes
>     - implement 2 calling conventions:
> 1. well known standard fastcall (fisrt 2 params on ECX+EDX, the
> rest is on stack)
> 2. DRLVM-specific convention: which involves ECX, EDX (and may
> be EAX) for integer/parameters passing and also use XMMs for
> float-point parameters and produce callee-save XMMs.
> The #1 may be used to call internal C-based helpers. It may also be used
> to call VM helpers where XMM callee save regs may add unnecessary
> overhead on the helper itself. The example I can think of is
> resolve_interface helper - preserving XMMs there looks overkill.
> #2 will help to speed-up managed code both call-intensive and (I hope)
> FP-intesive - together with register allocator tuning.
> Any comments are welcome.
> [1]
> --
> Thanks,
>   Alex

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