At the site I looked at
, it says that it is note even published in the UK

The descriptive paragraph provided reads thus :

12 year-old Karim Aboudi and his family are trapped in
their Ramallah home by a strict curfew. Israeli tanks
control the city in response to a Palestinian suicide
bombing. Karim longs to play football outside with his
friends. But in this city there's constant danger.


You can see a scan of the cover at

The website also lists 38 other books that Laird has
worked on including adaptations of classic children's
stories (e.g. Jack and the Beanstalk, The Three Little
Pigs) ; The Garbage King "Inspired by the true story
of an African childhood lived on the edge of
destitution" ; Americans at Home, which "looks at how
Americans live today. It traces the development of
housing styles in the USA from native American homes
to the 20th century." ; Red Sky in the Morning, in
which "Anna's brother has been born profoundly
disabled, and her family struggles to come to terms
with their strange baby." ; and Secret Friends, in
which "Rafaella, the new girl at school ... finds
making friends hard [w]ith her strange name and
sticking out ears".

There's an author profile at

Laird also interviewed Jehan Helou of the Tamer
Institute, Ramallah. The interview is at

Here's some excerpts :

Have the libraries suffered in the current intifada?

Yes, many of them have. Some have been shelled, and in
some cases the Israeli troops have entered the
library, taken the books and destroyed the computers.

What other problems do you have in the present

Very severe ones! We're totally pinned down. If we
want to visit the libraries we have to travle over
back roads ... many [library] activities have just


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