I've been told that an article that I wrote was published in the
_Algemeiner Journal_  this spring, probably shortly before Shavuot. This
copyrighted article was published without permission. I need a copy of
the article, with the running head (name of paper and page) or title
page. A photocopy of the page will do. I need to straighten the problem
out with the publisher but without my own copy of the article I'm at
their mercy.

If any of you have and keep the _Algemeiner Journal_, would you have
time, or a volunteer with time, to search back and find my article? It
was originally called "The Challenge" and recounts an incident at a
Midwestern university when a Christian girl challenged me to live like a

Many, many thanks.

Hanna Bandes Geshelin
P.O. Box 20363
Worcester, MA 01602-0363
Tel: 508-791-3982
Fax: 508-791-3005

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