I haven't seen Relentless so I can't make any comments about it.  I do 
think that a library should present a balanced view.  Is Israel correct in 
everything it does?  No, of course not.  It is a country where failable 
human beings make mistakes.  Is the use of terroism an acceptable way of 
life?  No, of course not.  Yet how can you face an enemy you do not 
    History shows us that violence creates it's own circle.  The news tells 
us that innocent people on both sides suffer from that violence.  I believe 
that only knowledge can break that circle.
      I think that a balanced view should also be about the differences 
that the Jewish people have among themselves.  I think that only by 
understanding each other can we repair the world.  A library is a place of 
learning, of understanding, of becoming a better version of yourself.  I 
think a balanced view promotes this.  Thanks for listening to my two cents.
J. Brendan Bell-McGonigle
Temple Shalom
Wheeling, WV

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