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From: "Judy Goldman/Nahum Rabchinskey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran]: Folk tales from Argentina?

Hi Lisa,
Hanna Geshlin, a friend, wrote to me and sent me an e-mail you sent her (I'll copy it below).
I'm a children's book writer and I live in Mexico City and she thought I might be able to help you. I don't, off the bat, know of any Jewish folktales of Argentinian or Mexican "descent" because, as far as I know, the stories told here are usually the traditional ones from the Torah, the Mishnį, etc.
If having something set in Mexico will help you, let me know and maybe I can give you some ideas for a story. Chanukah celebrations here are, as far as I know, more or less the same as in Israel or the US except for the fact that we speak in Spanish and maybe some kids will eat latkes with hot chili sauce. The lighting of the candles is also the same though, when my kids were small, they made, in school, chanukiot with tiny traditional Mexican earthenware pots: one for each candle.
Anyway, drop me a line if you think I can help you in any way.
Judy Goldman

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