On Friday, December 19, KCRW will present their annual 3 hour program
featuring Yiddish music and a new Jewish story reading by Theodore Bikel

The program can be heard on the Internet at:   www.kcrw.org
from 12 noon to 3:00PM (West Coast Time)
When you get to the web site, click on the "Philosophers, Fiddlers, and
Fools" link.

Last year's program can still be heard on their web site.

For those in the Los Angels area, the program in heard on 89.3 FM

Hatikvah Music
3232) 655-7083

Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:      Hasafran at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to:   Listproc at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to:  galron.1 at osu.edu
AJL HomePage                  http://www.JewishLibraries.org 

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