A faculty friend from the University of Cincinnati sent me the following 
note.  We do not have the dust jacket he mentions.  Is there anyone out 
there who can help him?  Please do respond to the list, especially if you 
are addressing the issue of dust jackets in collections.


Dan Rettberg
Rare Book and Manuscript Bibliographer
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Cincinnati, Ohio


-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Fine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:12 AM
Subject: Request for ha-Safran

Hi Folks!  I am looking for the paper jacket to Omanut ha-Yehudit, ed. Z. 
Ephron and C. Roth (Tel Aviv: Masadah, 1956/57).  I need a scan of the 
front cover.  If anyone has it, I would most appreciate your help.  I am 
using the design of this jacket as a historical source to explain the 
ideological underpinnings of Jewish Art scholarship at mid-century.

A broader question: does any library systematically collect Jewish book 
jackets?  They really are an important and overlooked, historical source 
worth preserving.

Thanks much, Steve


Steven Fine,

Jewish Foundation Professor of Judaic Studies,

University of Cincinnati,

Cincinnati, OH 45221-0169

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