Ok, I am going to go into a much longer explanation and I will probably get
ragged on by a lot of people out there but here goes.  Sex is a woman's
RIGHT and a man's DUTY.  This is pure Torah.  The Talmud says that the
sexual passion of the woman is far greater than that of a man.
Additionally, the Torah actually obligates a man to pleasure his wife to
the point of climax before the husband.  Anything else is considered abuse.
This is all under the mitzvah of onah, which I think, is translated as
conjugal relations or sexual rights.  It is a need and a pleasure for the
woman moreso than for the man.

In fact the marriage ketubah states three rights for the woman.  They are:
-Onah, sexual rights

NIDDAH (means time of her time.)
This has to do with a woman's cycle.  There must be seven bloodless days
then the woman goes to the mikveh and that night they may resume sleeping
together and enjoying intimacy and sex.  In fact, it is imperative that
they do.

For more information look up Iggeret Hakodesh.  This is a letter written by
a sage to his son on the occassion of his marriage.

For futher info you might go to the Saltzstein (sic)  Talmud and look under
family purity or Niddah.

The bottom line is that conjugal relations are determined by the woman and
her pleasure is priority.  To deny one's spouse conjugal relations means
that the denying spouse is being rebellious.  It really has nothing to do
with the husband's occupation.  However, just because he is away from his
spouse does not give him leave to channel his drive in any other way,
takes him away from his wife's side then he must wait to return to his wife
and make sure she is fulfilled and happy before he attends to his own

This may seem sexist to many out there but I am not the one who wrote the
rules and I wake up everyday and thank G-d that I am not a man!  Get the
book I mentioned earlier.  It explains it much better than I do.


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