OPPENHEIM, Shulamith Levey, Rescuing Einsein's Compass, ill. by George 
Juhasz CIP $15.95 ISBN 1-56656-507-3 LC 2002154199

In this charming story, young Theo meets his father's olf friend Albert 
Einstein for the first time. The boy and "the most famous man alive" go for 
a sail on the lake. and Einstein drops his compass, a gift he has carried 
with him since childhood. Theo rescues it and learns that each person has a 
talent for something that contributes to the happiness of others. Juhasz 
has created wonderful pictures that sweeo across each spread. Most of the 
action takes place on a boat on a tree-and-mountain-lined lake, and th art 
is predominantly in watery blues and greens. The delight both Einstein and 
Theo share in the day's adventures is fully captured, as are their myriad 
expressions. The explanations of how a compass works and what a physicist 
does, as well as the rich vocabulary make this an excellent read-aloud.

- School Library Journal February 2004

Published in Canada and the UK by Tradewind Books  ISBN1-896580-31-9

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