Mel Gibson's new movie about Jesus has been viewed by many and will bve
viewed by many more. By all reports Mr. Gibson based his interpreation of
events on extremely narrow anti-Semitic sources. Even Christian theologians
are questioning this theatrical rendition. What we are seeing is the
expansion of the Passion plays in that little German town broadcast to the
entire world.

There has been much debate in the Jewish community about the film and
whether it is really anti-Semitic. The story by its very nature without
commentary makes the Jewish people at the very least bystanders of the
exectuion of an "innocent" person. Some versions of the story, Mr. Gibson's
included show the Jewish mob demanding the execution. The gospels were
written as anti-Semitic tracts as one writer on then internet put it. Where
does it leave us as information professionals?

Dr. Goebbels developed a propaganda weapon called the big lie. People
believe information if it is presented numerous times by seemingly
authoritative sources. The Jewish community seems to react to this
abominable film with a knee jerk reaction. Shouldn't we as Jewish
information professionals make some kind of a statement or present solid
bibliographic information about this issue? The public is unaware that at
the time of the execution the Sanhedrin no longer was able to mete out
capital punishment. They are also unaware that it is very likely that most
of the population of Judea may not have even known of his existence. Someone
pointed out to me the other day that if we examine the censored portions of
the Talmud we do not find any prominent Rabbi express any opinion about this
execution. Furthermore the Talmudic references to this individual identify
him as a student of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Perachia. This would place the person
over a century prior to what Mr. Gibson is reporting. The list goes on.
Perhaps we should have a  committee to create a resource of Jewish and
non-Jewish materials alike that give the public access to points of view
that do not represent emotion or hyperbole.

The Rabbis in the Talmud teach us that silence is equivalent to
acquiescence. I don't know how to address this issue, let that be the result
of meeting of our collective minds. Let us not wait until fundamentalist
Christians create bibliographies and resources to substantiate their point
of view.

Eliezer M. Wise
Library Director
Tuttleman Library of Gratz College
7605 Old York Road
Melrose Park, Pa. 19027
215-635-7300 extension 159

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