The sense that I get, without yet having seen the film, is that it's pretty
much what you make of it.  I do think it's incumbent upon people to see
something before criticizing it, though.

The reaction of all of my Christian friends who take their religion
seriously, most of them fundamentalist, is that it makes no sense from a
theological standpoint to blame "the Jews" for Jesus's death.  (The blood
libel, the line from Matthew that was quoted, does not appear in the film.
Also, Gibson's hands are the one seen driving in the first nails.)  If they
start off from that point of view, the film's probably as harmless as
anything else.  If they start off believing that you and I are personally
responsible for Easter, the film probably could be used as a focal point for
all the old hostilities.

Here in Denver, the Pastor of a local Pentacostalist church used the
occasion to put up a sign saying, "Jews Killed the Lord Jesus."  Not only
did about 150 local Christians turn out (along with about 50 Jews) to
protest to sign, but the Pastor soon found himself in a small minority
within his own congregation.  The next day he put up a sign sort of
apologizing.  (The kind of, "sorry if I offended anyone" apology.)  The
point is that without the opposition of local Christians, the sign would
probably still be up there.

In any case, the healthiest relationship between Jews and Christians is
probably one of mutual respect from a distance.  We can't dictate tenets of
their faith to them, and we certainly have had enough of them trying to tell
us what to believe.  My personal experience, for what it's worth, is that
serious Christanity, as practiced here in the States, is moving in that

Joshua Sharf

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