I got this from my regional library association.

Ann Abrams, Librarian
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Ave.
Boston, MA 02215

-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Glasser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 1:27 PM
Subject: Card catalog give-away


     The Norfolk Public Library will soon be moving into temporary
while our new building is being constructed! We have a 100 drawer card
catalog to give away. It measures 40" h x 71" w & is 38" deep. It was
purchased in 1985, so it's relatively new & it's in excellent condition,

see attached picture. It has been used for the past decade to hold up
OPACs and the time has come to part company.

It is free to the first person to respond. You must make arrangements to
remove it from the library between April 20 and May 3rd. I can be
reached at
508-528-3380 x. 3 or via e-mail to answer any questions you might have.

Robin Glasser, Director
Norfolk Public Library
"where reading is just the beginning"

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