I received the following request through my Cantor.  I would be interested 
in obtaining a copy of this video myself, if one is to be had anywhere. Our 
congregation happens to own one of those Czech Torahs.
Anybody have any ideas?

Enid Sperber, Librarian
Temple Israel of Hollywood
7300 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046
(323)876-8330 Ext. 217

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" 
/> In the 1970s a documentary was made by Jewish Theological Seminary of 
America (NYC), and sold as videotapes.  It was titled "The Odyssey of the 
Torah Scrolls".  It was about all the Czech Torahs arriving at Westminister 
Synagogue, the history before they were sent to <?xml:namespace prefix = 
st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />London, then what 
occurred while they were at Westminister Synagogue.
Copies of the documentary were sold in the 1970s as videocassettes.My 
congregants called JTS who told them that they have one remaining copy of 
this videotape and that it is in too poor of a condition to lend out.We 
were wondering if any of your congregational libraries might have a copy of 
this hard to find videotape.  I would appreciate it if you could look into 
this for us.  You can e-mail me privately at:


Thank you for your help!


Diane Yomtov

The Temple-Congregation Shomer Emunim

Sylvania, Ohio

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