
Please read this story from the J'lem Post.

Jerusalem Post:
=1081998816187 You need the free sign-in to the site to read this article

I again caution everybody that two can play at this game. The software
attack designed to reduce the prominence of the clearly anti-Semitic site
will obviously be met by retaliation from the other side against Jewish

Our attempt to manipulate GOOGLE's ranking of links will, in the long run,
prove counterproductive. [If you were so fortunate as not to get my previous
E-mail on the GOOGLE issue, please write to me so that I can send you a

The story follows below my  .sig   file. I believe that I am NOT violating
U.S. or foreign copyright laws to send you this article since the issue here
is currency/timeliness.

Dr. Don Weinshank Professor Emeritus Comp. Sci. & Eng.
1520 Sherwood Ave., East Lansing MI 48823-1885
Ph. 517.337.1545   FAX 517.337.2539

Anti-Semitic site bumped off Google's top spot
Michael Mylrea  Apr. 15, 2004

A world-wide effort has succeeded in bumping an
anti-Semitic web site from its No. 1 rank on the
popular search engine Google.

Utilizing a cyber-petition and some clever HTML
programming, a diverse group of Jewish activists,
academics and even a US senator managed to replace the top spot with
Wikipedia's encyclopedia, which two weeks ago held no rank.

Google Inc. had come under fire for refusing to remove the site, Jew Watch,
which appeared No. 1 out of 1.75 relevant entries when a search for "Jew"
was conducted. Jew Watch's mandate is to keep a "close watch on Jewish
communities and organizations worldwide."

"I certainly am very offended by the site," said
Sergey Brin, who launched Google with fellow Stanford University graduate
student Larry Page in the late 1990s, "but the objectivity of our rankings
is one of our very important principles."

Angered by Google's response, New York-based real
estate investor Steven Wienstock launched an online petition on his site
Remove Jew Watch. The petition attracted over 82,000 signatures in just two

Many people signed the petition out of worry that any person looking to find
out about Judaism would be offered choices such as the "Jewish Mind
Control," "Jewish World Conspiracies," and "Jewish Banking and Financial

Under one of the categories, titled 'Revisionists - 6,000,000 Jews DID NOT
DIE,' there are dozens of links to articles dedicated to Holocaust

However, the investor-cum-internet crusader has also received multiple
threats, hate mail and unwanted damage by computer hackers. Instead of
showing the petition, Remove Jew Watch temporarily displayed pornographic
images and the message "the lamest site ever."

Google said it would not be swayed by Weinstock's
petition, noting that a web site's ranking was
automatically determined by computer algorithms.
"Sometimes subtleties of language cause anomalies to appear that cannot be
predicted," said Brin.

"A search for "Jew" brings up one such unexpected result." The
Anti-Defamation League, which monitors hate groups and anti-Semitic
activity, backed Google's decision not to remove the hate site.

"The ranking of Jew Watch and other hate sites is in no way due to a
conscious choice by Google, but solely is a result of this automated system
of ranking," said the Anti-Defamation League in a March 30 letter on its

But US Senator (NY-D) Charles Schumer sent Google a letter asking that it
change its algorithm to lower Jew Watch's ranking in the search results.
In the end, the anti-Semitic site was done in by those same content-blind
algorithms, which were exploited by using a popular technique called "Google
bombing," said Daniel Sieradski, editor of Jew School, a Web site dedicated
to Jewish fringe culture.

"I decided to issue a call to arms on my Web site,
asking people to make a coordinated effort to link all Internet
communications to Wikipedia using the word 'Jew,'" said Sieradski.

When done in a coordinated effort, such linking is
known as a "Google Bomb." Although not illegal, the technique exploits
Google's technology by artificially boosting the popularity of the targeted

"I can understand Google's concern that this method can be abused," said
Sieradski. "I admit that we are abusing it; but frankly, I think it's for a
good cause."

Others agree and have joined the fight to replace the anti-Semitic site.
University of Manchester political science professor Norman Geras has
included a link to Wikipedia "Jew" on his home page.

While Jew Watch is no longer the number one site that appears when a viewer
conducts a Google search for "Jew," many critics of the site said they will
not be happy until its completely eliminated from search engine results.

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