I work part time at the Jewish Public Library and my other part
time at McGill University. The Jewish Public Library in
Montreal, Canada, is a vibrant, active and wonderful library that
serves the needs of the wide community. On a typical day, you
can see Sri Lankan people, Chinese children and boys with
peyes and tzitsis enjoying our services and collection. Because
we are in a very multicultural part of the city, and in the middle of
one of the Jewish Orthodox enclaves, the Library is well used by
everyone. To cater and attract the Orthodox community, we at
the children section, purchased every single book available from
the orthodox press, like Feldheim, CIS, Hachai, etc. as well as
every single book, from any other press where it is a Jewish
topic. We have videos, tapes and CD's on all the Jewish issues.
The orthodox community use the Library because is the ONLY
library where they can find what they need and what they want
their kids to read. Every Yom Tov, we have a display of books,
videos and tapes on the subject. On Sundays, in our free story
time program, patrons know that every Holiday they can enjoy
stories and arts & crafts related to the subject.

We try to have books that will appeal to the Orthodox
community in different languages: English, French, Hebrew and
Yiddish, sometimes even going out of our way in an effort to
locate books, like a little Hasidishe bookstore to find books
published in Yiddish from Israel.

We have knowledgeable staff (and some of them Orthodox)
attuned to their needs and concerns. Our patrons know that
when they ask us for a book suggestion, we will always offer
them a title that is suitable, and we will advice them about a title
that could be offensive to their points of view.

In conclusion, the orthodox community, especially the children,
are voracious readers as many of them don't watch tv. The
library needs only to offer them the materials they are looking for
and they will become big user. I see it every day.

Sonia Silva
Jewish Studies Bibliographer
Collections Dept.Redpath building.
McGill University
3459 McTavish St.
Montreal Quebec H3A 1Y1

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