> Have any of you had experience transferring old audiotapes to CDs for your
 > library's archives?

Year 2004 prices in the U.S.A. are a total mystery to me but if you project 
a lot of stuff to copy now and in the future, you might consider buying the
electronic bits and pieces necessary to make CD copies from tapes and/or 
for yourself. You already have the computer. There are a lot of tapes and 
out there that will never be re-released in CD format. Tapes and videos are
utterly passe'; over time, tape stretches and gets all weirded-out. 
(Filmstrips on
the other hand are making a come-back as curiosities from gentler, simpler,
lowest-tech times when all you still need is a mega magnifying glass and a 
light bulb out of Dodger Stadium.)

In 2001 Norman Brickman, member of the AJL list, offered us 719 radio 
episodes on
8 CD's from the radio program Eternal Light. I bless Norm's name. I kiss 
his dirty
shoe. Fabulous. I especially love the dialogs between Mark van Doren and 
Samuel "The Words We Live By". Their words are like a head massage; better than

In Valencia (which is about as far from the centre of the galaxy that a 
body can
get without actually falling out), there are two places called "Playback" (it's
the same place just in two different places). They are open to the walk-in
off-the-street public. They sell sodas, water, chocolates, ice cream and bread
sticks to help you while away the hours you spend feeding the copying 
machine with
coins. They even have a monitor with non-stop MTV (spanish style a.k.a. 

I'll wager that places that do tape-to-CD copying in your town are listed 
in the
Yellow Pages.  Alas and Alack however, for what I paid those bold-as-brass
high-school drop-outs I could have bought all the necessary electronic junk and
set up my own studio to boot.

Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador/masorti "La Javura"

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