Dear All,

I am currently volunteering to help set up a new
synagogue library in Davis, CA.  One of the members on
the library committee is a reference librarian for the
University of California, Davis.

Here is the controversy:
I recommended that we use LC records (when
available)for copy cataloging, but use Elazar
Classification System for the call number.

The committe member mentioned above has countered
every one of my attempts to explain the benefits of
Elazar for a small, synagogue library.  He insists
that we use LC classification instead.

He claims that by using Elazar I am setting the
library up for all kinds of problems, because it is
not a standard system.  He called the Bureau of Jewish
Education in San Francisco (a very large library), and
is using the fact that they use LC as an arguing

He also claims it is necessary to have parity with UC
Davis so that a patron could go to the synagogue with
a UC Davis/LC call number, and find the book under the
same call number in the synagogue library.

I would love some supportive arguments that I could
use that would be coming from other librarians (since
he doesn't respect my opinion). If LC is the best way
to go, I need to know that also--although it would go
against all the reasons I chose Elazar for the B'nai
Israel library!

Poshi Mikalson

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