Dear Safranim,
I am leaving my position as library of the Koopman Library as of Friday, 
August 13.  Financial woes at our Federation forced cuts in my hours and 
benefits that made it no longer possible for me to remain here.  I want to 
thank all of the friends I have made through the AJL and let you know how 
much I appreciate the assistance and support you have provided through the 
years.  I intend to remain on Hasafran so I'll be able to keep up with all 
of you.  I'll also be attending CAJE next week, so if any of you are there, 
leave me a note on the board or call my cell phone at 860 833-6142 and we 
can try to get together.

Bea Brodie, Librarian
Koopman Library
Commission on Jewish Education of the
Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford
860 233-2288 x375, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <>

Please visit our NEW Jewish Community Web Site and Jewish Information and 
Referral Service at <>
Or at 860 236-UASK (8275).

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