Last week we posted to the list, a new release of the Video,  "Falasha: Exile
of the Black Jews".
  Since then, we have received the DVD of this film as well.  Below you will
find the original posting with the cost of the DVD of this important film.
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

New DVD  ** $22.98 domestic shipping included
New Video**$15.98***Falasha: Exile of the Balck Jews*** Shipping Included.

Emmy award-winning filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici reveals the plight of
Ethiopia's Jewish community and explores the politics that led to their 
modern day exodus.

Know as Falasha or "strangers", the Ethiopian Jews live in isolation for
centuries, practicing an ancient, Pre-Talmudic form of Judaism, which 
according to
tradition, traces its origins back to Solomon and Sheba.

In the 17th century this prosperous civilization was overpowered by
neighboring tribes. Year of persecution and discrimination followed. The 
1980s saw
conditions worsen. Operation Moses was organized in response, transporting
thousands of the Ethiopian Jews to Israel by secret airlift from Sudan.

This 80 minute video is now on sale at $15.98, shipping included within the
US with all Visa & Mastercard orders.

Thak You,
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

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