Shana Tova to everyone.Thanks to Zachary for sending out his reminder.

  I am coordinating the programming of special interest to librarians in 
  synagogues, centers and public libraries. Is there a topic of special 
  to you? Do you know of someone who is a wonderful presenter? Do you have a
  program or idea that you want to share with the rest of us? Please email 
me at
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and let me know! We want to plan a program that 
answers your
  needs. Your help is greatly appreciated. See the information below for a
  description of the conference. If you have a program idea, please contact me
  ASAP and I will send it on to Zachary for scheduling.

Susan Dubin


  Association of Jewish Libraries
  40th Annual Convention
  Oakland Marriott City Center
  June 19-22, 2005

  Jews in the Golden West

  The Association of Jewish Libraries will be holding its 40th annual
  conference in Oakland, California, on June 19-22, 2005. Librarians,
  archivists and scholars from numerous disciplines will meet to share their
  interests in Judaica librarianship and related areas.

  AJL is soliciting papers dealing with any aspect of Judaica librarianship
  as it pertains to the libraries, archives and museums of schools,
  universities, synagogues, and other institutions.  In the past this has
  included descriptions of special collections, reports on developments in
  technical services, administrative concerns, resources for dealing with
  particular issues or subjects, writing collection development policies,
  problems in cataloging Jewish materials and literature collections, digital
  collections and electronic resources in Judaica librarianship. Papers on
  Jewish life in the Western United States will receive special consideration.

  Those wishing to present poster sessions are also invited to submit 

  Prospective presenters should send an abstract by October 25, 2004.

  The abstract should include the title of the presentation, a one-paragraph
  summary, the presenter's name, address, phone number, e-mail address,
  institution, and a 25-word bio. If the presentation requires audio-visual
  equipment, please indicate what type of equipment will be needed.

  Abstracts should be sent to:

  Zachary Baker
  Chair of the AJL Convention 2005 Programming Committee
  Fax:  (650) 725-1068 (please include a cover sheet, indicating the intended
  Mailing address:  Green Library 321 - ASRG, Stanford University, Stanford,
  CA 94305-6004

  Fred Isaac and Paul Hamburg
  Co-chairs, 40th Annual AJL Convention

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