Sylvia Rouss
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I am pleased to announce that my web page has just
been updated and now includes a ten minute radio interview with
Professor Joachim Joseph.

Professor Joseph and I wrote the children's picture book, "Reach for
the Stars, A Little Torah's Journey".  It is the true story of the
miniature Torah that was taken by Israeli Astronaut, Ilan Ramon, on
the Columbia Space Shuttle. This unique Torah survived the Holocaust,
along with its guardian, Joachim Joseph. Years later, Ramon became
close friends with Joachim who asked him to take the Torah aboard the
shuttle where he displayed it proudly for all the world to see.

The Yahrzeit of Ilan Ramon and the Columbia astronauts is coming up
shortly, and I hope the radio interview may be a resource to
librarians, educators and youth group advisors.

Thank you,

Sylvia Rouss

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