--- S B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > --- Eli Wise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >  > Am I to understand there is no basic definition
 > in
 >  > AJL for what is
 >  > appropriately Jewish?

There can't be a basic definition for what is Jewish
because there is no one authority recognized by all
Jews as having the power to define Judaism.  Kaplan
said that Judaism is a civilization. Some say it's a
religion. I remember someone describing himself as a
"stomach Jew" (he was born Jewish and liked corned
beef). Where does Workman's Circle fit in all this? Or
secular Israeli Jews?

In other words, coming up with a basic definition
would be difficult. Another question to ask is do we
need a basic definition?

Rose Myers
Fairfield, CT

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