After completing the upgrade of the JNUL's catalog to Aleph 500 and
needed maintenance of the digital scanner we are now able to resume
adding open access titles to the JNUL's digital repository.

Among the rabbinic titles recently added are the first editions of:
   Shulhan 'arukh (Venice 1565-1566)
   Shulhan 'arukh with hagahot ha-Rema (Cracow, 1578-1580)
   Sefer haredim (Venice, 1601)
   Sefer ha-bahir (Amsterdam, 1651)
   Mesillat yesharim (Amsterdam, 1740)

Also recently added are several works of Eretz Yisrael history and
geography, including:
Pierotti, E. "Jerusalem explored : being a description of the ancient
and modern city, with numerous illustrations..." (London, 1864)
"Report of the Commission appointed by His Majesty's government
determine the rights and claims of Moslems and Jews in connection with
the Wailing wall at Jerusalem, December, 1930" (London, 1931)

The Digitized Books Repository can be accessed via the JNUL homepage:

  Elhanan Adler
  Deputy Director for Information Technology
  Jewish National and University Library
  P.O.B. 39105, Jerusalem 91390, Israel
  Tel.: 972-2-6585005, FAX: 972-2-6511771, Home tel.: 972-2-6515977
  Mobile tel.: 972-54-6829657

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