Hello everyone,

The Center for Jewish Education in Baltimore is looking for a way to 
display and circulate music CD's.  Many have already been catalogued, but 
we are trying to find a way to display them and try to prevent loss, 
damage, etc. at the same time.  One idea
was to keep the cases on the shelf and the CD's elsewhere and they would be 
checked out as a patron wished to borrow them.  The public library encases 
them in a hard plastic outer case and as you check them out, that outer 
case is removed.  I think that
that is costly.

Has anyone had success with a good circulation plan?  Also, has anyone 
found a search program that would help a patron find a certain song among 
all the CD's available?  Or, do you list each song in the cataloguing? Any 
other ideas along these lines?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

Isabel Pinson
Center for Jewish Education
Baltimore, MD  21215

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