
One of our synagogue members is a librarian at
Stanford University and she referred me to your
organization for information.  I am a member of the
Kol Emeth Synagogue Board of Directors and my current
task is upgrading our congregation's library.

Our synagogue has 595 membership units with a small
(approximately 16 x 14 feet) library which we are
looking to upgrade and expand.  We would like to put
the card catalog on a computer so that congregants
will be able to search our data base for specific
books or by topics or by author.  We would also like
to make this data base available on our website.

We need:
1.      A recommendation of reasonably priced software that
will be easy to use that will run on a home type
computer - probably PC, but we would consider Mac if
it were better.  The software should be able to handle
both English and Hebrew fonts.

2.      Information on who makes library shelves that run
on rails.  I've this type of shelf at the Indian
Museum in Santa Fe, NM.  The room had many two-sided
shelves rolled one right next to the other to get the
maximum storage space in a given amount of room.
There was just enough space to separate one set of
shelves from the stack and walk between them.  If what
one were looking for was not there, the next stack of
shelves would be easily rolled on the rails to open up
the next isle.

I've looked at the FAQ on your website and there is a
reference there to a lot of software, but not having a
library background, I have no idea which would be most
appropriate for our needs at minimal cost.  I'm hoping
you can give me a recommendation and/or tell me what
some of the trade-offs are.

Similarly, there is a reference to shelving material,
but the reference does not specifically address
shelves on rails.

Any guidance you can provide would be appreciated.


Rich Stiebel

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