----------------------- Message requiring your approval ----------------------
From: "Ann Abrams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Books to give away

Dear safranim,

Due to the generosity of a Temple Israel member, we are able to donate the books, below, to Judaica libraries, and ask only for reimbursement for shipping/handling, if possible.

Please reply to me, off-list, and list your requests in alphabetical order, by author, and we'll do our best to send something to everyone. You will receive a reply from my assistant or me in a week or so, with info about what we'll be sending you.

Ann Abrams, Librarian
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
617-566-3960 x116

"Books in Hebrew for Adults"

Author: Title #’copies:

Amir, Eli: Scapegoat 01

Michael, Sammy: Victoria 01

Yehoshua, Abraham B.: The Return from India 01

Shapira, Moshe: Hayyim V’Yetzirah: Our War For Peace

Adult Books

German Adult Books:

Author: Title

Bremen, Brokkamp Verlag: Kunstler in Fischerhude 01

Quack, Sibylle: Geistig freiund niemandes Knecht 01

Frank, Anne Das Tageburch der Anne Frank 01

Hellwig, Joachim: Ein Tagebuch fur Anne Frank 01


Author/: Title: #'copies:

ArtScroll: The Family Haggadah: 01

With Translation and Instruction

CCAR: Union Prayer book II: for Jewish Worship 02

(for Rosh HaShannah v’ Yom Kippur)

CCAR: Gates of Repentance: The New Union Prayer book 01 for the days of Awe

CCAR: Union Haggadah: revised 01


Quarterly: The Middle East 7th Edition 01

Hillel Guide to Jewish Lif on Campus 14th edition 01

JPS: The Torah: The five Books of Moses: 01

(according to the Masoretic text english only)

The Holocaust Chronicle 01

Holocaust Memorial Council 50 Years after the Eve of Destruction 01

Fifty Years Ago Revolt Amid the Darkness: 1993 days of Remembrance 02

Fifty Years ago Darkness Before Dawn: 1994 days of Remembrance 01

The Holy Scriptures: according to the Masoretic Text 01

(JPS Vol: 1 Genesis to II Kings)

Days of Remembrance, Office of the Secretary of Defense 01

The Illustrated History of the Jews 01

Teaching about the Holocaust: A resource Book for Education 02

Journal: Shdemot: Nos 29-30 1987 01

Prayer Book: Freadings from the Torah and 01

Prophets for the Three Festivals

Pocket Books: Ben- Yehuda’s Pocket English – hebrew, 01

Hebrew – english dictionary

RCA &: The Tradition Prayer Book for Shabbath and Festivals 01

United Synagogue of America:

RCA: Shabbath and Festivals 01

Services of the Synagogue: New Year 01

Services of the Synagogue: Tabernacles 01

Services of the Synagogue: Pentecost 01

Services of the Synagogue: Day of Atonement 1 01

Services of the Synagogue: Day of Atonement II 01

The Victory 01

Abella, Irving &

Harold Troper: None is too many: Canada and the jews of Europe 1933 –1948 01

Abraham, David: The Collapse of the Weimar Republic 01

Agosin, Marjorie: Dear Anne Frank: Poems 01

Agnon, S.Y.: Two Tales by S.Y. Agnon Betrothed & Edo and Enam: 01

(tranlated from the hebrew by Walter Lever)

Aichinger, Ilse: Herod’s Children 01

Allen, William S: The Nazi Seizure of Power 01

Altshuler, David: The Precious Legacy: 01

Judaic Treasures from
the czechoslovak state Collections

Appelfeld, Aharon: The Age of Wonders 01

Appelfeld, Aharon: To The Land of the Cattails 01

Arkadie, Brian Van: Benefits and Burdens: A report on the West Bank 01

` and Gaza Strip Economies Since 1967

Arnold-Forster, Mark: The World At War 01

Ausubel, Nathan: Pictorial History of The Jewish People: 01

From bible times to Our own day throughout the world

Asch, Sholem: The Mararene 01

Avriel, Ehud: Open the Gates! 01

Barnett, Correlli: Hitler’s Generals 01

Bar-Zohar, Michael: Facing a Cruel Mirror: Israel’s moment of truth 01

Bauer, Yehuda My Brother’s Keeper: a history of the american Jewish 01

joint distribution committee 1929-1939

Bauer, Yehuda: Flight and Rescue: Brichah 01

Beim, Norman Giants of the Old Testament 01

Ben-Dov, Meir: In the Shadow of the Temple: 01

The Discovery of Ancient Jerusalem

Ben-Gurion, David: Letters to Paula 01

Bernstein, R’ Philip L.: What the Jews Believe 01

Birnbaum, Philip: A Treasury of Judaism 01

Bleier, Inge Joseph &

David E. Gumpert: Inge: A girl’s journey through Nazi europe 01

Blum, Howard: WANTED!: the search for nazis in america 01

Blumenthal, W. Michael: The Invisible Wall: Germans and Jews 01

a personal Exploration

Breffny, Brian de: The Synagogue 01

Blumberg, Harry: Modern Hebrew: A first year Course 01

(have been written in)

Corchsenius, Poul: The History of the Jews: 01

(complete set)

vol 1: The son of a star,

Vol 2: The three rings

Vol 3: Behind the wall

Vol 4: the chains are Broken

Vol 5: And it was Morning

Borkin, Joseph The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben 01

Bower, Tom: The Paperclip Conspiracy: The Hunt for 01

the Nazi Scientists

Burrows, Millar: The Dead Sea Scrolls 01

Chapin, Suzy: The Adjustable Diet Cookbook: 01

The 600 calories a day diet you adjust to suit yourself

Chiel, Samuel: The Gift of Life 01

Cohen, Martin A.: The Martyr: The Story of a Secret Jew and 01

the Mexican Inquisition in the Sixteenth Century

Cohen, Naomi Encounter with Emancipation: The German Jews 01

in the U.S 1830- 1914

Comay, Joan: The Jerusalem I love 01

Cornfeld, Gaalyahu: Pictorial Biblical Encyclopedia 01

Craig, Gordon A.: From Bismarck to Adenauer: 01

Aspects of German Statecraft

Davies, J.G.: A Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship 01

Davidson, Lionel: The Menorah Men 01

Dawidowicz, Lucy S. The Holocaust and the Historians 01

Dayan Yael: Yael Dayan Israel Journal: June, 1967 01

Deen, Edith: All of the women of the Bible 01

Dershowitz, Alan M.: The Vanishing American Jew: 01

In search of jewish identity for the next century

Dimont, Max: The Jews in America 01

Dimont, Max I.: Jews, G-d and History: A Modern Interpretation 01

of a four thousand Year story

Dinnerstein, Leonard: Anti- Semitism in America 01

Donat, Alexander: The Holocaust Kingdom 01

Douglas, J.D.: The New Bible Dictionary 01

Eck, Nathan: Yad Vashem Studies: 01

on the European Jewish Catastrophe and Resistance

Eban, Abba: My People: The Story of the Jews 01

Eban, Abba: My Country: The story of Modern Israel 02

Ehrlich, Ernst Ludwig: A Concise History of Israel 01

Ehrlich, Blake: Resistance France 1940 –1945 01

Eisner, Jack: The Survivor 01

Elon, Amos: The Israelis: Founders and Sons 01

Elman, Richard M.: The Reckoning 01

Ennes, James Assault on the Liberty: The True Story of the israeli 01

attack on an American Intelligence ship

Epstein, Isidore: Step By Step In the Jewish Religion 01

Feldman, R’ Abraham J.: Reform Judaism: A Guide for reform Jews 01

Fermi, Laura: Illustrious Immigrants 01

Flannery, Edward H.: The anguish of the Jews: 01

twenty three Centuries of Anti-Semitism

Fleischner, Eva: Auschwitz: Beginning of a New Era 01

Forster, Arnold: Cross-currents 01

Forster, Arnold &

Epstein, Benjamin R.: The New Anti-Semitism 02

Frank, Niklas: In the shadow of the Reich 01

Freehof, Solomon B.: In the house of the Lord 01

Gavron, Daniel Israel After Begin 01

Gary, Romain: The Dance of Genghis Cohn 01

Gervasi, Frank: The case for Israel: The authoritative, 01

fully documented revelation of the events
that plunged Israel into three wars with the arabs
and of her search for peace in the middle east

Gittelsohn, Roland B. Modern Jewish Problems 01

Gittelsohn, Roland B. Consecrated unto me: A Jewish view of love and marriage 01

Givet, Jacques: The Anti-Zionist Complex 01

Glassman, Bernard: Anti-Semitic Stereotypes without Jews 01

Glazer, Rabbi Simon: The Five book of Moses 01

(hebrew and english, some of the pages are tattered)

Glueck, Nelson: Rivers in the Desert: A History of the Negev 01

Goldin, H. E.: The Yiddish Teacher: A method for the study of Yiddish 01

Goldman, Solomon: The Book of Books: An Introduction 01

Goldstein, Rose B.: Light From our Past: a spiritual history 01

of the Jewish people expressed in 12 stained glass
windows designed by Louis D. Rayser
for Har Zion Temple

Gordon, Noah: The Rabbi 01

Gotfryd, Bernard: Anton the Dove Fancier and

other tales of the Holocaust 01

Graeber, Isacque: Jews in a gentile world 01

Green, Gerald: Holocaust 01

Gross, Joel: The Books of Rachel 01

Haag, Van Den: The Jewish Mystique 01

Halasz, Nicholas: Captain Dreyfus 01

Halkin, Abraham S.: 201 Hebrew Verbs: 01

Fully conjugated in all the forms

Halter, Marek: The Book of Abraham 01

Handlin, Oscar: A continuing Task 01

Harel, Isser: The House on Garibaldi Street 01

Harkavy, Alexander: Students’ Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary: 01

to the old Testement

Harkavy, Alexander: Amerikanisher Briefen-Shteler: 01

Harkavy, Alexander: The Pentateuch with Haftaroth: 01

including sabbath morning prayer
book of Genesis
(hebrew and english)(binding in poor condition)

Harkavy, Alexander: The Pentateuch with Haftaroth: 01

including sabbath morning prayer
book of Exdous

(hebrew and english)

Harkavy, Alexander: The Pentateuch with Haftaroth: 01

including sabbath morning prayer
book of Leviticus

(hebrew and english)

Harkavy, Alexander: The Pentateuch with Haftaroth: 01

including sabbath morning prayer
book of Numbers
(hebrew and english)

Harkavy, Alexander: The Pentateuch with Haftaroth: 01

including sabbath morning prayer
book of Deuteronomy
(hebrew and english)

Hausner, Gideon: Justice in Jerusalem 01

Heer, Friearich: God first love 01

Heschel, Abraham J.: A Philosophy of Judaism: G-d in search of Man 01

Hertz, Joseph Herman: A Book of Jewish Thoughts: 02

(Chief Rabbi of the British empire)

Herzog, Yaacov: A people that dwells alone 01

Jacobs, Louis: The Book of Jewish Belief 01

Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf: July 20, 1944: The German Against Hitler 02

Kanfer, Stefan: The Eighth Sin 01

Katsh, Abraham I.: Bar Mitzvah Illustrated 01

Katz, Shlomo: The Emissary 01

Keller, Werner: Diaspora: The Post-Biblical History of the Jews 01

Kessler, Jonathan: The AIPAC College Guide: 01

Exposing the Anti- Israel Campagin on Campus

Kirst, Hans Helumut: The Night of the Generals 01

Kimball, Harry: Preach love – practice hate 01

Klemperer, Victor: I Will Bear Witness: 02

A diary of the Nazi Years 1933 –1941

Klemperer, Victor: I Will Bear Witness: 01

A diary of the Nazi Years 1942 –1945

Koch, H.W.: The Hitler Youth 01

Kolodny, Joseph: Two millennia in KFAR SABRA 01

(Hebrew & some English)

Kryger, Rose: A Passover in Rome 01

Landsberger, Franz: Rembrandt, The Jews and the Bible 01

Latner, Helen: The Book of Modern Jewish Etiquette 01

Learsi, Rufus: Fulfillment: the epic story of Zionism 01

Leesser, Isaac: The Pentateuch Haftaroth and Prayer: 01

Book of Genesis

(With english translation)

Leesser, Isaac: The Pentateuch Haftaroth and Prayer: 01

Book of Exodus

(With english translation)

Leesser, Isaac: The Pentateuch Haftaroth and Prayer: 01

Book of Leviticus

(With english translation)

Leesser, Isaac: The Pentateuch Haftaroth and Prayer: 01

Book of Numbers

(With english translation)

Leesser, Isaac: The Pentateuch Haftaroth and Prayer: 01

Book of Deuteronmy

(With english translation)

Levine, Hillel &

Lawrence Harmon: The Death of an American Jewish Community 01

Levin, Myer: Classic Hassidic Tales 01

Levin, Meyer: The Fanatic 01

Litvinoff, Barnet: The Burning Bush: Anti-Semitism and world history 01

Litvinoff, Barnet: Weizmann: Last of the Patriarchs 01

Longstreet, Stephen: Pedlock Saint, Pedlock, Sinner 01

Longstreet, Stephen: God and Sarah Pedlock 01

Longstreet, Stephen: The Pedlock Inheritance 01

Lowenstein, Rudolph: Christians and Jews 01

Manvell, Roger: Himmler 01

Meisels, Andrew: Son of a Star 01

Meir, Golda: My Life 01

Merom, Peter: The Negev 01

Metzker, Isaac: A Bintel Brief 01

Morin, Edgar: Rumour in Orleans 01

Morrison, Lester M. &

Richard G. Hubler: Trial and Triumph 01

Morton, Frederic: The Rothschilds 01

Mosse, George L.: Germans and Jews 01

Myerhoff, Barbara: Number Our Days 01

Nelson, Walter Henry: The Economic War against the Jews 01

&Terrence Prittie

Neufeld, Michael: The Bombing of Auschwitz: 01

should the allies have attempted it?

Neusner, Jacob: Death and Birth of Judaism 01

Newman, Leslea: Bubbe Meisehs by Shayneh Maidelehs 01

Pawlikowski, Father John T.: The Challenge of the Holocaust for Christian Theology 01

Peters, Joan: From Time Immermorial 02

Pisar, Samuel: Of Blood and Hope 01

Pool James &

Suzanne Pool: Who Financed Hitler 01

Potok, Chaim: The Choosen 02

Potok, Chaim: The Book of Lights 01

Pritchard, James: The Ancient Near East: 01

An anthology of text and pictures

Quinn, Daniel: Ishmael: An Adventure of the mind and spirit 01

Rabin, Yitzhak: The Rabin Memoirs 01

Rabinowitz, Dorothy: About the Holocaust:What We know and how we know it 03

Rabinowitz, Louis I: Torah and Flora 01

Rayner, John: The Jewish Youth Group: 01

A Handbook for Progressive jewish youth group

Redlich, Fritz: Hitler Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet 01

Roberstson,Edwin: The Shame and the Sacrifice 01

Rosen, Jonathan: The Talmud and the Internet: 01

Rosenberg, David: Chosen Days: 01

Celebrating Jewish festivals in Poetry and art

Rosenblatt, Naomi Harris: After The Apple: Women in the Bible-Timeless stories of 01

Love, Lust, and Longing

Rosenfeld, Lulla: Bright Star of Exile: Jacob Adler and the yiddish Theatre 01

Ross, Dan: Acts of Faith: A Journey to the fringes of Jewish Identity 01

Rothchild, Sylvia: A special Legacy: an oral history of 01

soviet Jewish Emigres
in the United States

Sachar, Howard M.: Diaspora: An inquiry into the contemporary jewish world 01

Sachar, Abram L.: The Redemption of the Unwatned: 01

From the Liberation of the
death Camps to the founding of Israel

Gamuels, Gertrude: Mottele 01

Samuel, Maurice: Harvest in the desert 01

Samuel,Maurice: Prince of the Ghetto 01

Sanders, Ronald: Shores of Refuge 01

Schechtman, Elya: Erev 01

Schlant, Ernestine: The Language of Silence 01

Schoenberner,Gerhard: Der Gelbe Stern 01

Schwartzman, R’ Sylvan D.: Reform Judaism in the Making 01

Schwarz, Leo W.: Great Ages and Ideas of the jewish People 01

Schwarz-Bart, Andre: The Last of the Just 01

Schweid, Eliezer: Jewish Thought in the 20th Century 01

Seghers, Anna: The Seventh Cross 02

Selznick, Gertrude Jaeger.: The tenacity of prejudice 01

Shamir, Yitzhak: Summing Up: an autobiography of Yitzhak Shamir 01

Shirer, William: 20th Century Journey 01

Siegel, Danny: Mitzvahs 01

Siegel, Danny: Good People 01

Silberman, Charles: A Certain People 01

Singer, Isaac Bashevis: The Penitent 01

Solomon, Norman: Judaism: A Very Short Introduction 01

Solomon, Flora: A Woman’s Way 01

Snyder, Louis L.: Hitler’s German Enemies 01

Spiro, Medford: Kibbutz (Venture in Utopia) 01

St. John, Robert: Roll Jordan Roll 01

St. John, Robert: Shalom Means peace 01

Steinberg, Milton: Basic Judaism 01

Steinberg, Milton: A Partisan Gudie to the Jewish Problem 01

Steiner, George: The Portage to San Cristobal 01

Stember, Charles Herbert: Jews in the mind of America 01

Stone, Kurt: The Congressional Minyan 01

Strassfeld, Sharon &

Michael: The Second Jewish Catalog 01

Suhl, Yuri: An Album of The Jew in America 01

Sulkes, Zena: The Shrinking Circle, Teachers Guide 01

Syme, Daniel B. The Jewish Home: A Guide for Jewish Living 01

Taub, Herman: The Last Train: Exodus to Tash Kent 01

Teller, Judd L.: Kremlin, the Jews and the Middle East 01

Teveth, Shabtai: Ben-Gurion The Burning ground 1886-1948 01

Thomas, Gordon &

Witts, Max Morgan Voyage of the Damned 01

Tushnet, Leonard: To Die with Honor 01

Valentin, Hugo: Anti-Semitism 01

Warshaw, Mal: Tradition: Orthodox Jewish Life in America 01

West, James King: Introduction to the Old Testament 01

Wigoder, Devorah: Hope is My House 01

Wischnitzer, Rachel: Synagogue Architecture: In the United States 01

Wiesel, Elie: The Testament 01

Wiesel, Elie: The Gates of the Forest 01

Wistrich, Robert S.: Hitler’s apocalypse: Jews and the Nazi legacy 01

Wistrich, Robert S.: Antisemitism 01

Wolf, Simon: The American Jew as Patriot Soldier and Citizen 01

Wolf, Arnold Jacob: Rediscovering Judaism: Reflections on a New Theology 01

Wylen, Stephen: Settings of Silver: An Introduction to Judaism 01

Yadin, Yigael: Bar-Kokhba: 01

The rediscovery of the legendary hero
of the second Jewish Revolt against Rome

Yla, Stasys: A Priest in Stutthof 01

Children\ Young Adult Books:Author/Title: Title: #'copies:

Torah Aura Productions: Yom Kippur Mahzor 01

Alexander, Lloyd: The Flagship Hope: Aron Lopez 01

Asch, Sholem: The War Goes On: 01

Backman, Aidel: One Night, One Hanukkah Night 01

Baum, Roberta Osser: Ten-Minute Hebrew Reader 01

Belth, Norton: The world Over Story * Book 01

Braverman, Libbie, L.: Children of Freedom 01

Burchard, Sue: Sports Hero: Billie Jean King 01

Charette, Beverly Rae: The Story of Chanukah for Children 01

Cone, Molly: Hurry, Henrietta 01

Fine, Helen G’Dee 01

Fisher, Adam: My Jewish Year: Celebrating Our Holidays 01

Fitch, Florence Mary: One God: the Ways We Worship Him 01

Freehof, Lillian S.: Stories of King David 01

Gamoran, Mamie G.: The New Jewish History Book One 01

Gamoran, Mamie G.: The New Jewish History Book Two 01

Gamoran, Mamie G.: The New Jewish History Book Three 01

Gellman, Marc: Does God Have a big Toe: 01

Stories about stories in the Bible

Gerber, Dori: Creative Activities To learn about Israel 01

(Word puzzles, Cooking Projects,

Songs, Connect the dots & games)

Goldberg, Leah: Little Queen of Sheba: 01

a story about New immigrant children in Israel

Gootel, Rifka: My First Learn and Do Jewish Holiday Book 01

Grishaver, Joel Lurie: A Hebrew Readiness Book 02

Harlow, Jules: Lessons from our living Past 01

Junior Jewish Encyclopedia 01

Jaffe, Nina: In the Month of Kislev: A Story of Hanukkah 01

Kimmel, Eric: Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins 01

Kozodoy, Ruth: The Book of Jewish Holidays 01

Kripke, Dorothy: God And The Story of Judaism 01

Kripke, Dorothy: Let’s talk about God 03

Levin, Meyer: Beginning in Jewish Philosophy 01

Levinger, Elma Ehrlich: Elijah: prophet of the One Go-d 01

Levinger, Elma Ehrlich: With The JewishChild in Home and Syagogue 01

Lieberman, Donald: Heros of Hanukkah 01

Lurie, Rose G.: The Great March 01

Manushkin, Fran: The Matzah That Papa Brought Home 01

Margolis, Dr. Isidor: Jewish Holidays and Festivals 01

Mayer-Skumanz, Lene: The Tower 01

Meilach, Dona Z.: Let’s Learn Bible: Part I 01

Minelli, Tali: Chanukah Fun: 01

Includes stencils, Special papers, and
all kinds of super ideas for holidays games,
gifts, and decorations

Pessin Deborah: History of the Jews in America 01

Pessin Deborah: Giants on the Earth 01

Pins, Arnulf M.: My Haggadah 01

Polak, Y: Chumashenu in Hebrew : B’reSheet V.1 01

Ribalow, Harold: Fighting Heroes of Israel: 01

From Judah Maccabee to Moshe Dayan the adventurous lives of the great jewish fighters

Rossel, Seymour: Introduction to Jewish History 01

Samuels, Ruth: Bible Stories for Jewish Children: 01

from Creation to Joshua

Scharfstein, Sol: A reading and Prayer Primer 01

Schwartz, Lynne Sharon: The Fourt Questions 01

(Paintings by Ori Sherman)

Segal, Lore & Maurice Sendak: The Juniper Tree: 01

and Other Tales From Grimm

Stadtler, bea: The Holocaust: 01

A History of Courage and Resistance

Zwebner, Janet: The Shabbat Activity Book: 01

(games Puzzles, activities,

Fun facts about shabbat)

Based on ‘The Shabbat Book’

Videos (VHS/Audio Cassettes

Beautiful Israel: Greatest Israel Folk Song (audio cassette)

Waldheim A Commission of Inquiry (video)

West of the Jordan (video)

Childers, Thomas: The History of Hitler’s Empire (audio cassette)

Partisans of Vilna (video)

The teaching Company History of Hitler’s Empire (2nd edition VHS)

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:      Hasafran @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to:   Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to:  galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

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