We have runs of the following magazines that we do not want.  They are
free for anyone who wants them.  We will ship them; all you would need to
do is pay the postage.
Here's what we've got:
                 Midstream 1967-1997 (incomplete)
                 Orion Nature Magazine 1987-1994 (incomplete)
                 Michigan Quarterly Review 1983-1994 (13 issues in 
all not complete)

We also have vol. 3-9 and 11-13 of the Hebrew "Encylopedia Talmudit"
We also have vols. 1,2,4,5,6,7 of the Soncino English Midrash Rabbah.

                                 Contact me:   Marion Stein if 
interested in any of these.

Marion M. Stein, Librarian
Abraham Joshua Heschel High School
20 West End Avenue
New York, NY 10023
#212 246 7717 Ex. 11639

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