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Subject: [ha-Safran]: New Releases from Bar-Ilan University Press

September 3rd, 2006
Dear Sir / Madam,

We are happy to announce the recent publications of the following titles:

Studies in Arabic and Islamic Culture, Vol. II / Binyamin Abrahamov (ed.)
ISBN 965-226-299-4
254 pp. English. Hardcover, 2006.
List Price: $ 50.-

Bar-Ilan University – From Concept to Enterprise / Dov Schwartz (ed.)
Vol. I: Milestones and History of Departments
ISBN 965-226-321-4
602 pp. Hebrew. Hardcover, 2006.
List Price: $ 49.-

Vol. II: The Academic Methodologies of the Founders and Researchers
ISBN 965-226-324-9
344 pp. Hebrew. Hardcover, 2006. Including Index.
List Price: $ 35.-

Once Upon A Time – Photography Following Walter Benjamin
/ By Ariella Azoulay
In the Series: Interpretation and Culture, Edited by Prof. Avi Sagi
ISBN 965-226-315-X
184 pp. Hebrew. Soft-cover, 2006.
List Price: $ 25.-

Periodical :

Democratic Culture, Vol. I0 – Gender and Society in Israel
(In Memory of Prof. Dafna Izraeli) / Guest Editors: Tova Cohen,
Ruth Halperin-Kaddari; Editors: Avi Sagi, Yedidia Z. Stern
ISSN 1565-0316
475 pp. Hebrew. 23 pp. English Abstracts. Soft-cover. 2006.
List Price: $ 50.-

Orders can be sent to:
Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel.
On-Line Catalogue <http://www.biu.ac.il/Press>http://www.biu.ac.il/Press.

We look forward to serving you.

Sincerely yours,
Dina Kupperberg
Distribution Dept.
Fax no. 972-3-5353446

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