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We are happy to announce the recent publication of the following titles:

MIKRA'OT GEDOLOT 'HAKETER' – Vol. Exodus - part II
         Edited by Menachem Cohen
ISBN 965-226-331-1
288 pp. Hebrew. Hardcover. 2007
List Price: $ 45.-
* Smaller Hardcover Edition:
ISBN: 978-965-226-347-6
List Price: $ 30.-

Torah Lishma  -
         Essays in Jewish in Honor of Professor Shamma Freidman
         Edited by D. Golinkin, M. Benovitz, M.A. Friedman, M. 
Schmelzer, D. Sperber
ISBN: 978-965-7105-79-8
561 pp. Hebrew + cxvi pp. English. Hardcover. 2007
List Price: $ 50.-

Yesod Mora Ve-Sod Torah – R. Avraham Ibn Ezra
The Foundation of Reverence and the Secrets of the Torah
         An Annotated Critical Edition
         Second Revised and Enlarged Edition
         Edited by Y. Cohen and U. Simon
ISBN: 938-965-226-348-3
276 pp. Hebrew. Hardcover. 2007 (first Edition 2002)
List Price: $ 40.-


Democratic Culture, Vol. 11
         Edited by Avi Sagi, Yedidia Z. Stern, Assistant Editor: Hanan Mandel
ISSN 1565-0316
256 pp. Hebrew + 14 pp. English Abstracts. Soft-cover. 2007
List Price: $ 18.-

DA'AT, Vol. 62 – A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah:
Edited by Moshe Hallamish
ISSN 0334-2336
171 pp. Hebrew + IX pp. English Abstracts. Soft-cover. 2008.
List Price: $ 20.-

Hebrew Linguistics, Vol. 60 – A Journal for Hebrew Descriptive 
Computational and Applied Linguistics
Edited by Z. Livnat
ISSN 0334-3472
127 pp. Hebrew + VII pp. English Abstracts. Soft-cover. 2007.
List Price: $ 14.-


The Psychology of Resistance to Change / By S. Fox
ISBN 965-226-204-8
284 pp. Hebrew. Hardcover. Sixth Printing. 2007.
List Price: $ 25.-

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Dina Kupperberg
Distribution Dept.
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