Andrea, I don't have a great, direct answer for you.  My opinion and 
experience is that VHS tapes hold up better than you'd expect and 
that movie DVDs borrowed from our public library often are "shmutzy" 
and cause skips, jerks, hangs, and jumping back to the beginning 
while being played. I am active in a Jewish Historical Society which 
maintains an Archives and a Judaica Library.  We have a small cabinet 
of VHS tapes which are not currently cataloged and which are being 
discussed as to whether we should catalog and lend them and/or 
whether any should be copied to DVD.  I also have the organization's 
VHS/DVD Recorder for the purpose of copying local interviews on VHS, 
many going back to the early 80s, to DVDs.  To me the VHS interviews 
are pretty good quality, whereas the DVD copies that I have done so 
far are possibly of lesser quality -- either due to "losing 
something" in the copying or a poor quality DVD recorder. Another 
issue is that I believe DVD standards and protocols are in flux and 
perhaps today's DVDs will have to be eventually copied to a newer DVD 
format. Of course fewer new titles are being recorded in VHS tape 
format so new acquisitions are more likely to be DVD. I would love to 
hear from other experts about my comments.

Bernie Levy
IT Specialist, Jewish Historical Society of Lower Fairfield County
The Harry Rosenbaum JHS Judaica Library Stamford, CT (USA)

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