I do continue to add and maintain both VHS and DVD items in our collection,
although I buy anything new on DVD unless only available on VHS.

I have applied for a grant to transfer some older materials from VHS to DVD
and hadn't considered copyright issues.  If we get the grant, my intention
is to buy any DVD of an older film that is available.  But if it is not
available to purchase on DVD, then I would transfer it from VHS onto DVD.  I
would anticipate maintaining both forms, VHS and DVD in the collection, at
least for now.

I would appreciate it if you could share any answers you receive regarding
copyright issues.  Thanks.

Elizabeth Edelglass, Library Director
Dept. of Jewish Education of Greater New Haven

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrea Rapp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <hasafran@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 10:22 AM
Subject: [ha-Safran]: VHS in libraries

 > As I wade through the storage room in our facility, I come across a
 > number of never-cataloged but worthwile educational programs and
 > documentaries on VHS.  For example, today I found 2 kits including
 > VHS tapes from the PBS program Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly.
 >    What is the policy others follow; do you continue to accession
 > items on VHS tapes to your collections?  Is there a protocol for
 > transferring them to DVD?  What would the copyright issues be?
 > Andrea Rapp,
 > Cincinnati
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