Following is info concerning Midreshei Bitya Bat Pharaoh
Midreshei Bitya Bat Pharaoh: Iyyun Nilve le-Leil ha-Seder (A Seder 
Companion), Jerusalem 2004 (68 pp.)

In the Be’er Avraham commentary to the haggadah, by R. Abraham Grate 
of Prague, published in Sulzbach in 1708, several of the simanim of 
the seder are interpreted as referring to Bitya, daughter of Pharaoh. 
R. Grate explains the siman rahzah in connection with her bathing in 
the Nile and rescue of Moses (3c). In his commentary to the siman 
mozih, he writes, inter alia, that since Moses was considered equal 
to the sixty myriads of Israel, the rescue of Moses by Bitya is to be 
regarded as though she took the entire people of Israel out of Egypt 
(3c-d). Based on the commentary of  R. Abraham Grate concerning 
Bitya, the present compilation offers an annotated compendium of 
sources from the talmudic and midrashic literature concerning Bitya. 
This material is intended for study on the seder night or in 
preparation for the Eve of Passover. The chapters include: Midreshei 
ha-Ketuvim (midrashim to Exodus 2, 5-10 and II Chronicles 4, 18), The 
Aramaic Translations, The Lists of Righteous Women, The Entrance of 
Bitya to Gan Eden in her Lifetime, Midreshei Eshet Hayyil.

The introduction includes a discussion of the various sources in the 
midrashic literature that attribute the Exodus to deeds of female 
biblical personalities: to the righteous women in Egypt who 
encouraged their husbands during the bondage; to the women who kept 
themselves from immoral behavior; to Miriam the prophetess; and to 
the Matriarchs.

Orders abroad may be placed with Sifrei Yerushalayim. Contact: 
972-2-6433580. The book is available in Jerusalem at various 
locations, among them at Lichtenstein bookstore on Straus St.; at 
Ludwig Meyer bookstore on Shlomzion ha-Malka St., and at Nisan Levy 
store, on 9 Keren ha-Kayyemet St. Mail orders within Israel may also 
be placed directly with myself.

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