I'm coming late to this discussion and have not read all of the 
previous posts, so please excuse me if I'm repeating ideas already 
presented or am speaking out of turn. But my general opinion is that 
AJL should engage a professional to help us rethink our purpose, 
organization, and activities - to create a new strategic plan for our 
association. It may be that we are not putting our best efforts where 
they are truly needed in this day and age, that we may need to engage 
a professional to help us project our image and to lobby for 
libraries. We all have great talent and many ideas, but are we using 
them to the best advantage of our profession?  Many non-profit 
organizations engage in such strategic rethinking and I think it's 
time for us to do so as well, to ensure the future of Judaica librarianship.

Debbie Stern, Library Director
Mordecai M. Kaplan Library
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
1299 Church Road
Wyncote, PA 19095
phone: 215-576-0800 ext. 234 fax: 215 576-6143

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