Daniel Stuhlman researched the answer to this question in the February
1997 issue of his "Librarian's Lobby"
<http://home.earthlink.net/~ddstuhlman/crc2.htm>.  Apparently, the story
is of unknown origin.

There is a similar story about two brothers who lived on opposite sides
of a hill.  One was childless and the other was blessed with many
children.  Both brothers were extremely jealous of each other.  The
childless brother was jealous of his sibling because for him, the
harvest was extremely easy with such a big family to help.   The brother
who was blessed with many children was jealous of his sibling because he
had only one mouth to feed and certainly had plenty of harvest left
over.  Each night, the two brothers would sneak over the hill to each
other's barns and steal some of their brothers' barley.  This continued
on for many many months.  One night, the two brothers met on top of the
hill.  When they realized what was going on, they began fighting and
eventually beat the living you-know-what out of each other. This,
according to legend, is the place where God chose to build the Keneset.

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