Thank you to all of you who responded to my posting (below).

For those who would like to know, the general consensus was:

--use empathy and active listening skills when responding to the patron
(which I did--although she was still not satisfied)

--explain that the DVD came pre-categorized (which I did--again, she was
dissatisfied with this)

--comedies have a range and not all people find all comedies "funny" and
it is not the job of the librarian to know who will find a comedy funny
or not (although we can offer an opinion if we know what the patron is
looking for and we are familiar with the movie)

--explain in a 520 note that the comedy may be a drama/comedy or have
tragic elements (which only helps if the patron chooses the film from
the online catalog instead of off the shelf...)

--every one responding agreed that warning labels on library items are
not appropriate

Thank you again for your replies!

Poshi Mikalson
Congregation B'nai Israel Sosnick Library
3600 Riverside Blvd.
Sacramento, CA   95818
916-446-4861  ext. 18

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