While we're on the topic of movies.  I've been looking for quite some
time for a recording of a television show that some of you may recall
titled "Brooklyn Bridge" <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101055/>.  It was
produced by Gary David Goldberg ("Family Ties", "Spin City") and aired
from 1991 to 1993 on CBS.  The series followed the life of Alan Silver,
a 14 year-old Jewish boy and his extended family who lived in Brooklyn
in the 1950's.  What was great about this show was that it was genuinely
Jewish (if I recall correctly, there was an episode set during Sukot)
yet was accessible and enjoyable to the non-Jewish world as well because
of the diversity of the supporting characters (Alan's teacher is black;
much to the chagrin of his grandmother, he dates an Irish Catholic girl
named Katie Monahan).  It really showed how much of a salad bowl
Brooklyn--and by extension--America is.  Although the series was lauded
by the critics (it won a total of 12 Emmy Awards in its two-season run)
it didn't find its groove with audiences due in part to the fact that
CBS initially aired it on Friday nights and when petitioned by the
Jewish community to move it to a different time slot, continually
rescheduled it to different nights of the week.  The end result is that
this series has been all but forgotten.  I would love to find a copy of
this entire series on DVD (though I would settle for VHS).  There are a
few scam sites that can be found that sell bootlegged copies of the
series (tvaddicts.tv, to name one) on DVD, but as of yet Paramount
Television has not officially released the series on VHS or DVD.  If
anyone knows where I can find a legitimate copy of this series, please
let me know.  Although my search for the show is purely personal, I have
no doubt in my mind that this show would make an excellent addition to
any Jewish library.


  Steven Jay Bernstein
  Assistant Catalog Librarian
  Central Connecticut State University
  1615 Stanley Street
  New Britain, Connecticut 06050
   PHONE: (860) 832-2079
     FAX: (860) 832-2053

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