I wish to bring to your attention the publication of the following book:

"Perah tsahor - Masa bi-netive ha-romansah"
"Blanka Flor – Un viaje en Los Kaminos de la Romansa",
by Avner Perez

      For the first time since the appearance fifty years ago of 
Moshe Attias's "Romancero Sepharadi", an annotated new collection of 
romansas is being published, both in the original Ladino (Hebrew 
letters and Latin transcription), and in artistic Hebrew translation 
by Avner Peretz.

       This is a continuation of Attias's work, and the work of the 
two well-known American scholars Armistead and Silverman.  It 
contains 14 romances from the Salonica (Thessaloniki) tradition, 
along with a new essay: Researching the Romances with Modern Literary Theory.

      The price (not including shipment) is $25
The book can be ordered by E-Mail through the Maale Adumim Institute 

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