Dear friends,

I am pleased to bring this newly translated classic to your attention:

Timeless Teachings in Contemporary English Translation of Work by 
Rabbeinu Avraham, son of the Rambam (Maimonides)

A jewel in the crown of the Feldheim Torah Classics Library!

This awe-inspiring work written in Judaeo-Arabic and completed around 
the year 1230 by the illustrious son of Maimonides, Rabbeinu Avraham, 
is now available for the first time in English translation with a 
facing Hebrew version of the original text. Famed for his appointment 
as Rais al-Yahud, leader of the Jews, at the age of eighteen, 
Rabbeinu Avraham was the undisputed leader of the Jewish people of 
his time. In this masterpiece, he directs the reader in how to attain 
the level of chasid, a person who strives to go beyond the minimal 
requirements of the law to experience a strong sense of closeness and 
intimacy with God. Crafting this clear and brilliant English 
translation was a formidable challenge, and one that the translator 
devoted many years to undertake successfully. This treasure has 
remained hidden until now, but we are privileged to receive it in our 
own times glittering with wisdom and purity, authored by a saintly 
scholar whose powerful words can help us change and refine the course 
of our own lives. With a fascinating biography of Rabbeinu Avraham, 
extensive footnotes, a citation index of the text, as well as an 
index of references the author makes to the works of his father, the Rambam.

About the translator:
Rabbi Yaakov Wincelberg's Rabbinic training has taken him from 
Scranton, PA, to Jerusalem, then Baltimore, MD. He is currently an 
instructor of Talmud and Jewish philosophy in Miami Beach, FL.
The Guide to Serving G-d was originally written in Arabic. Rather 
than work from a Hebrew translation, Rabbi Wincelberg mastered Arabic 
in order to present a more accurate English rendering of the text.

Title: The Guide to Serving G-d
Author: Rabbeinu Avraham ben HaRambam  Translator: Rabbi Yakov Wincelberg
Publisher: Feldheim Publishers
Pages: 614
ISBN: 978-1-58330-981-0

This book is available from Baker & Taylor and the publisher
(Feldheim): 1-800-237-7149

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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