Yiddish lecture, Bronx, NY, Sunday, 6/22/08

  Sent on behalf of Itzik Gottesman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> by
Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Zuntik, dem 22stn yuni, 1:30 bay tog, veln Nekhome Socolov un Itzik
Gottesman redn af der teme:

"Af di shpurn fun undzer nekhtn: a lektsye af yidish mit likhtbilder vegn
zeyer nesiye keyn Ukraine",
mit a muzikalisher program.

in SHOLEM-ALEICHEM-KULTUR-TSENTER, 3301 Bainbridge Avenue Bronx, NY, rog
208te gas, lebn dem Montefiore-shpitol

ir kent forn mit der D ban biz der 205ter gas-stantsye, oder mit der 4 ban
biz Mosholu Parkway.


Please come Sunday, June 22nd, 1:30 PM,

  to hear the Yiddish slideshow/lecture on a recent trip to Ukraine by Emily
Socolov and Itzik Gottesman entitled:

"On the Trail of Our Yesteryears" [a lecture in Yiddish and slide show
about our trip to the Ukraine, with a musical program].

at the Sholem Aleichem Cultural Center, 3301 Bainbridge Avenue, Bronx, NY,
corner 208th street, telephone 971-930-0295.

one block from Montefiore Hospital. Take the D train to 205th St. ir the 4
to Mosholu Parkway.

Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel
Dorot Jewish Division, Room 84
The New York Public Library
Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street
New York, NY 10018

Phone: 212-930-0971
Fax: 212- 642-0141

Webpage: http://www.nypl.org/humanities/jewish

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