Dear Safranim,
Kar-Ben Publishing is pleased to introduce some of our wonderful 
children's authors of new and recent books who are available for 
programs for Fall 2008 Jewish Book Month programs. All are 
experienced presenters.

YALE STROM, author of "The Wedding That Saved a Town" -- 
Internationally known klezmer musician and enthnographer Yale Strom 
offers an entertaining program of reading and music with his new 
folktale based on an old Jewish custom of holding a wedding in a 
cemetary to ward off the evil eye. For older audiences presentation 
includes documentary klezmer film. All ages. Based in San Diego.

ANNA LEVINE, author of "Jodie's Hanukkah Dig" -- Reading form her new 
book, Anna gives a brief explanaton of archeaology in Israel followed 
by an "archaeology dig" for the kids in a sandbox where they 
willuncover pottery shards, Israeli shekels and other treasures. Ages 
3-7. Based in New York.

CHRIS NICOLA and PETER LANE TAYLOR, authors of "The Secret of 
Priest's Grotto" -- If you missed their presentation at last fall's 
book fairs, now's your chance. Cave explorers Peter and Chris 
recieved many more invitations than they could fill so they're 
available for another round of talks this fall. Remarkable slide 
presentation, caving gear and the spell-binding story of their 
discovery of Ukrainian caves that housed Holcoaust survivors. This 
year's Sydney Taylor Silver Medal winners. Based in New York and Philadelphia.

AYELET SHAHAK, mother of Bat-Chen Shahak, author of "The Bat-Chen 
Diaries" -- A talented wirter, Israeli teenager Bat-Chen Shahak was 
killed by terrorists in Dizengoff Square on her 15th birthday. Her 
family has published her diaries. Using excerpts from the diaries, 
her mother Ayelet, an educator, talks to young people both about life 
in Israel as well as well using diaries to express thoughts, feelings 
and fears. Ages 10 and up. Ayelet's adult program deals with her work 
with the Bereaved Families Forum, Israeli and Palestinian families 
who have lost famly members to the violence. Based in New York (via Israel).

For more information about these authors our our complete author 
visit brochure, contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Joni Sussman
Director, Kar-Ben Publishing
A division of Lerner Publishing Group
241 First Ave. No.
Minneapolis, MN 55401
612-332-3344 ext. 229

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