Posting  on behalf of  Dr. Houman Sarshar

Dear Friends,
   I write once more on the upcoming conference, "Iranian Jewry: From Past
to Present," to let you know that the web page is now up and running and to
invite you to take a look.  To do so, click on the link below, then on the
Conference icon at the top right corner, and finally on each of the
horizontal icons, respectively highlighting Conference Statement, Tentative
Program, Abstracts and Biographies, Concert, and Directions-Area Maps.
Here's the link:

   We are still working on some detains, as you will note. Certain aspects
of the concert are still to be worked out and there may be other glitches
and/or errors that we hope you will bring to our attention.  I did want you
to see our progress at this point and take a measure of the scope and reach
of this conference as its dates draw near.

   Again, please forward the link to all the friends and acquaintances who
you think might have an interest in such events.

   Best wishes,

   Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak, Director
   The Roshan Institute Center for Persian Studies
   1220 Jimenez Hall
   University of Maryland
   College Park, MD 20742
   TEL: 301-405-3147
   FAX: 301-314-9752

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