University Synagogue Sisterhood welcomes you to

A joyous evening of tales from the Jewish Diaspora compiled from
Immigrants who came to Israel after its founding in 1948.

Around the World with Jewish Folk Tales
Hava Ben-Zvi,  compiler, editor, translator and
Guest speaker

Thursday, November 20
7:00 pm Refreshments
7:30 pm Program

No Charge
Open to the Public
Friends and family, all ages are welcome
Please rsvp by November 17 to Barbara Braunstein
At 310-474-6337 or at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For centuries Jews have passed down their culture, morals and
spirituality through oral folktales. The folktales seek to explain, 
teach a lesson, or extol the virtues of the characters and bring 
alive the hopes and dreams, fears and struggles of a people through 
the retelling of Jewish stories.

Guest speaker Hava Ben-Zvi served as the Director of the Jewish 
Community Library for nearly 30 years. She has been a frequent guest 
in synagogues, libraries, schools and organizations. Her latest book: 
The Bride Who Argued With God: Tales from The Treasury of Jewish 
Folklore newly translated into English won rave reviews.

"Pay careful attention to respect and honor your wife,
For your home is blessed solely due to her merit."

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