One simple way to go is a VHS/DVD-R player/recorder.  It has one slot 
for a VHS cassette and another for a DVD player/recorder. Most have a 
quick/simple transfer mode that copies the tape onto the DVD with the 
push of one button. You can buy one at Costco or most electronics 
stores for about $200.  I've had one for maybe 4 years.

One major caveat, however, is that most commercial VHS tapes are 
copy-protected.  Whenever my machine  encounters one of these it 
reports that the tape cannot be transfered.  There are ways -- 
illegal -- to beat encryption but I can't help you there.

The other consideration is that, at least in my case, the transfer 
takes place in real time.  If the video is 2 hours long, then the 
transfer takes 2 hours.

-- Lee Jaffe, UC Santa Cruz

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