Dear Friends,

As Hannuka gets underway (or begins to wind down) and 2008 draws to a 
close let us draw attention to some recent highlights. The year has 
been tumultuous and while some things have changed, others remain 
constant. For example, scholarship continues, as does research and publishing.

In the area of History of Israel and thirty five years after the Yom 
Kippur War, Modan has published, 'Koah Zvika, Zvika Force,' about and 
by Zvika Grengold a young soldier who fought on the Golan Heights. 
Those were bitter tank battles with many casualties and he fought 
from battle to battle against tens, perhaps hundreds of Syrian tanks. 
He became known to HQ on the radio as the "Zvika Force". This hero 
and others who fought in those battles saved mighty Israel, once 
again from destruction. They blocked the Syrian onslaught. In my 
mind, a real 'Forest Gump' but much more than that. The author is 
from a kibbutz up north, Lohame Ha-Geta'ot and the son of holocaust 
Cat. #  68936 $ 24.00

Some of you may have already seen my recommendation of the next 
holocaust book in English - Life, Death and Sacrifice.  For those who have not:

Dr. Esther Herzog is a social anthropologist Senior Lecturer, head of 
Anthropology at Bet Berl College and the daughter of survivors.  The 
book is a collection of serious academic papers, (many),  presented 
at 3 international conferences at Beit Berl College, Bet Terezin and 
Beit Lohamei HaGhettaot.

"Life, Death and Sacrifice:  Women and Family in the Holocaust"  is 
an important milestone in holocaust research demonstrates the 
important contribution to holocaust study of specialized approaches 
and disciplines such as Women's Studies. Issues of roles and status 
are explored as well as family structures and mechanisms for survival 
and coping with the horror, hunger, violence, stress and loss are 
discussed and examined.  The history of holocaust literature is 
explored from the early women's diaries through the legal 
documentation, through the more ideological histories, of course with 
serious analysis and citation.

The book would be necessary for any history or holocaust library 
merely for the comprehensive and coherent footnotes following each 
article.  It includes much previously unpublished material including 
holocaust details, events and narratives.  Published by Gefen,  isbn 
978-965-229-429-6. 68973 $24.00

Another important piece of Holocaust Literature and Holocaust 
research is, 'The Massacre of the Jews of Lithuanaia,' by Dr. Karen 
Sutton and also published by Gefen 2008 in English. The work is 
fascinating and scholarly and examines many of the myths regarding 
local complicity in the genocide against the Jewish population versus 
examples of Lithuanian independence in many other spheres. The 
portrayal of Jews, or "the Jews' " betrayal of Lithuanaia through 
their support or involvement with communism and the USSR is a major 
focus of this serious work.
Cat. # 69269  $ 26.00

Normally, I never mention cookbooks. 'Melting Pot,' produced and 
edited by Dafi Forer Kremer is an exception. This is a really nice 
coffee table type cookbook with 214 pages of recipes and photos 
ordered according to the Bible portions – parshiot.

Genesis / Bereshit is appetizers, Shemot / Exodus, soups, through 
Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim, main dishes, desserts and cakes, respectively.

Included are UK Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sachs recipe for Kubaneh, Rabbi 
Riskin's roast peppers, preceded by a drasha on raising children, 
Zeev Bielsky, head of the Jewish Agency and his recipe for Injera, 
Ethiopian bread, preceded by an article about Jewish Identity.

Everything about this book is beautiful and impressive from the 
dishes, variety, to the contributors and their thinking. The book is 
published by Dani Sefarim 2008 .
Cat. # 69085  $39.00

In the area of Israeli DVD's or Israeli documentaries we have 
supplied two relatively new, interesting ones:

'Wolgin's Selected Shorts 2008, 'Nivhare taharut wolgin..' which 
includes ten short films on two discs. Naturally, some of the new, 
Israeli talented actors and directors are featured and topics such as 
repentance on the High Holidays, encounters between Russian Jewish 
soldiers and Hamas militants, Ethiopian Israelis and conflicts 
between old and new cultures are all depicted.
             Cat. #   69217     $ 48.00

             'Children of the Sun, Yalde Ha-Shemesh,' a film by Ron 
Tal has been
  produced by Hed Arzi. It includes footage shot from 1930-1970 and 
deals with the myth and reality of childhood on kibbutzim.
Cat. #    69216    $ 36.00

To sign off on a cheery note I would like to mention a new 2008 gold 
CD hit, ' Nekuda Tova – Good Point,' by Shuly Rand.  The singer acted 
in the wonderful film, previously plugged by me, 'Ushpizin.'

The album of pop- folk rock was a surprise success and one of those 
crossovers from the religious to the secular world that are so interesting.

All of us at Jerusalem Books wish you a Happy Hannuka.
Sincerely,  Jeff Spitzer

Wendy Weiss Simon
Jerusalem Books Ltd.
POB 26190
Jerusalem, 91261, Israel
(Tel) 972-2-642-6653/6576
(Fax)  972-2-643-3580

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