The National Library of Israel, David and Fela Shapell Family
Digitization Project, is pleased to announce that a digitized version
of the Library's 15th century manuscript mahzor of prayers according
to the Italian (Roman) rite, written and illuminated by the famous
scribe and artist Joel ben Simeon is now available for public access.

The mahzor contains standard prayers, liturgical hymns (piyyutim),
customs, instructions and regulations for the whole year, including
weekdays, Sabbaths, New Moon, major and minor holidays and fast days
according to the Italian rite.

The mahzor has many lovely decorations, all pen drawings in ink. It is
rich in drawings of beasts and birds, imaginary and mythical creatures
and symbols heraldic, religious and astrological.

The Manuscript was donated to the Library by Mr. Henry Moskowitz in
1970 in memory of his parents, first wife, daughter and brother, and
the rest of his family who perished in the Holocaust.

The site includes also a digitized version of the monograph "The
Moskowitz Mahzor of Joel Ben Simeon" by Shlomo Zucker (Jerusalem :
Jewish National and University Library, 2005)

The manuscript is presented in the DjVu format which provides high
quality, magnifiable images compressed into relatively small files for
easy downloading. In order to view DjVu images it is necessary to
download and install (once) a special free viewer program.

The manuscript can be accessed at: (Description in Hebrew)
or (Description in English)


  Elhanan Adler
  Deputy Director for Information Technology
  National Library of Israel
  P.O.B. 39105, Jerusalem 91390, Israel
  Tel.: 972-2-6585005, FAX: 972-2-6511771, Home tel.: 972-2-6515977
  Mobile tel.: 972-54-6829657

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