(Apologies for cross posting)

Dear friends:

Michael Aylward has just launched his exciting new website, Der yidisher
gramofon. He is not a member of this list and asked that I post this notice
on his behalf. If you would like to discuss anything about the website on
this list, I'll be happy to reply as best I can or forward messages and get
his reply. If you would like to be in touch with him directly, his email is

Thanks very much,

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Road
Lexington, MA 02420
United States

1-781-862-4104 (Telephone & FAX)


Dear List Members,

I am pleased to be able to announce the launch of my website 'Der yidisher
gramofon' at:


The site falls into 3 broad sections.

The first deals with matters arising out of the 'Discography of Early
European Recordings of Jewish Music' that I have been working on for the
last 14 years. By way of a sample I have included in its entirety my work so
far on one of the smaller labels I have investigated - the French company

The second section is devoted to the subject of pre-war radio broadcasts.
This research is at present in its infancy, but is already proving a
rewarding subject.

The third section is more general in nature and probably of less interest to
members of this list, containing bilingual editions (original language and
my translation) of source material relating to Jewish music, Yiddish and the
Yiddish theatre.  Discographical items will, however, be included in the

One of the many aims of this site is to explain and promote the work that
discographers do. I hope that the site will be used by specialists and the
general public in equal measure and with that in mind try to adopt an
approach that is neither too technical nor too populist.

This is a very long-term project and in its present form the website
represents just the basic foundations upon which in coming years, I hope, a
much greater edifice will arise. I am now quite persuaded that publication
on the Web is by far and away the most effective form of presenting this
kind of information, if only for the far wider audience it can reach.

I hope there is something of interest to many list members, and am glad to
be able to make this research contribution.

Kind regards,

Mike Aylward

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