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New Book Now Available
Gefen Books, Lynbrook, NY.
Gefen Publishing, Jerusalem, Israel

The Poetry of Prayer Tehillim in Tefillah
Avi Baumol
ISBN: 978-9652294524
Format: Hardcover 312 pages
Publish date: Nov 2009
US Release Date: Available Now!
Publisher: Gefen Publishing House
Price: $26.95 (get free shipping in US and Israel till weds, 4 Feb,
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About the Author
RABBI AVI BAUMOL was born in New York, and schooled in Yeshiva
University High School and College. He was first introduced to the study
of Tehillim (Psalms) in his first year Bible course at Yeshiva by Rabbi
Mordechai Cohen who inspired him to begin to appreciate the words of the
Bible from a poetic perspective as well as a literal one.

He continued to be influenced by his Rabbis and colleagues during his
studies in Israel at Yeshivat Har Etzion, and ultimately began to write
his Tehillim class as part of the Virtual Beit Midrash project,
initiated by Menachem Liebtag.

After returning to the States, and graduating Yeshiva University, Rabbi
Baumol chose to enter the Rabbinate, obtaining ordination from Yeshiva
University as well as from Rabbi Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg in Israel. He
also obtained a Masters degree in Jewish History from the Bernard Revel
Graduate School, studying under Dr. David Berger.

Returning to Israel in 1997, he began teaching in different
institutions, including Yeshivat Har Etzion


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