The titles which received multiple "votes" were As a Driven Leaf, 
Night,  Diary of Anne Frank, and Sarna's American Judaism.
   Some 1-voters were: Eban's My Country, Dershowitz' Case for 
Israel, Dimont's Jews, God, and History, Sandmel's The Hebrew 
Scriptures, Telushkin's book of Ethics (actually, there are 2 of them 
now), Rise of David Levinsky, Victor Frankls' Man's Search for 
Meaning, Outwitting History, and Songs for the Butcher's 
Daughter.  Oh yes, All-of-a-Kind Family got a vote, and 2 authors 
were mentioned simply as authors: Heschel and Ozick.
    As a Driven Leaf is my favorite "novel of ideas," but I've found 
that when I've recommended it to patrons, it seems to fall flat.
    If anyone is interested to reply, I'd love to hear responses from 
those who share my love of the book as to the factors that endear it to you....


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