Growing up in the 60s my Jewish identity was bracketed by

The Source
Portnoy's Complaint
The Chosen

I've filled that narrative out a bit since but those were my foundation stones.

So here is my more rounded out list.

I'll add another vote for As A Driven Leaf ... also

Tanakh, preferably the Artscroll for its index and  appendices .. I 
notice that only one other person mentioned the Bible, but only the 
five books of Torah  ... but I'd want it all

Portnoy's Complaint, because it covers all the bases of the seamy 
underbelly of the Jewish-American experience

The Chosen, Potok, because after Portnoy you will want to believe in 
something good about being a Jew...

Exodus, Uris, the founding narrative of the State of Israel, pretty 
much everything I know about those times

If you gave me a little more room on the bookshelf, I'd want to add, 
in no particular order:

A Tale of Love and Darkness, Amos Oz
To Pray As a Jew, Donin
Home to Stay, Daniel Gordis
Living a Jewish Life, Diamant/Cooper
Jews Without Money, Gold
A Bintel Brief, The Daily Forward
The Source, Michener
A Pigeon and A Boy, Shalev
Past Continuous, Shabtai

-- Lee Jaffe, UC Santa Cruz


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