I think a librarian's retention policy must be subjective.

At our library, I look first at books' physical condition. Books with 
water damage, irreparable wear or tears are weeded or sent to the 
genizah, as appropriate.  This part is objective.

With books in good condition, I use my judgment, taking into account 
each book's relative importance, as well as circulation 
history.  Books which I will not consider for  weeding, despite low 
circulation would include, for example, Herzl's Altneuland, Frankl's 
Man's Search for Meaning, other timeless classics, religious texts, 
and a number of scholarly works of exegesis.

Otherwise, I note a) years after copyright, b) number of times 
circulated, and c) the most recent date circulated.

Melinda Herman

Melinda Herman
Beth El Synagogue Center
1324 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10804
(914) 235-2700, ext. 227


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